Equipping every Baptist & every church to reach EVERYONE EVERYWHERE

What is Everyone Everywhere?

It’s about kindling in all of us, the confidence to ignite conversations about Jesus, in every part of our everyday lives...

Everyone Everywhere

Everyone Everywhere

The good news about Jesus is being broadcast and experienced in all sorts of ways across our Baptist movement. Everyone Everywhere wants to gather that all together and inspire and equip individuals and churches with the tools they need to see new people choose to follow Jesus.

What we do

  • Everyone Everywhere will be offering training to help all Baptists share Jesus fully.

  • There are roadshows for churches, clusters and Associations who want to explore simple, cost-effective and fruitful ways to start new Christian communities and churches.

  • There is signposting and celebrating of our best Baptist resources.

  • There are resources to help ordinary Christians feel confident to introduce others to Jesus.

  • There are conferences that encourage, inspire and celebrate what God is doing amongst us.

    Book Now for our National Conference on 8 October 2024

Helping Baptists share Jesus fully

Everyone Everywhere wants to help us find opportunities to see a new expression of church in every corner of every community – perhaps right there on your doorstep. It is about Jesus walking right off the pages of the Bible and into the lives of friends, family, co-workers, strangers, communities and neighbourhoods.

We believe Jesus can do ‘immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine’. By praying and working together we believe we can see more ordinary people find fullness of life in Jesus, more believers speak openly about their faith in ordinary ways, and more churches starting new Christian communities – where, when and in the ways they are needed.

National Conference

Tuesday, October 8th in Sheffield.

A day to catalyse the starting of new Christian communities, when, where and in ways they are needed so Jesus is made known.

Join Baptists from across the country energised to see new people become Christians and to launch new missional communities, new churches, and new Christian communities across the UK. Connect, learn, be part of launching a new thing – perhaps right on your doorstep.

With speakers and contributors from across our Baptist Family, plus Dave Ferguson of Exponential and New Thing.

A day conference and conversation for all Baptists exploring or committed to starting new communities for Jesus in all sorts of different ways and different places.

Numbers are limited so book early and secure space for your team. Brilliant for leaders, ministers, ordinary members, teams, MiTs, Regional Ministers and college tutors across our Baptist Together movement.

Everyone Everywhere wants to help us find opportunities to see a new expression of church in every corner of every community – perhaps right there on your doorstep.

It is about Jesus walking right off the pages of the Bible and into the lives of friends, family, co-workers, strangers, communities and neighbourhoods.
