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Everyone Everywhere Together – National Gathering

A day to catalyse the starting of new Christian communities, when, where and in ways they are needed so Jesus is made known. Join Baptists from across the country energised to see new people become Christians and to launch new missional communities, new churches, and new Christian communities across the UK.

Connect, learn, be part of launching a new thing – perhaps right on your doorstep. With speakers and contributors from across our Baptist Family, plus Dave Ferguson of Exponential and New Thing. A day conference and conversation for all Baptists exploring or committed to starting new communities for Jesus in all sorts of different ways and different places. Numbers are limited so book early and secure space for your team.

Tuesday October 8th in Sheffield. Brilliant for leaders, ministers, ordinary members, teams, MiTs, Regional Ministers and college tutors across our Baptist Together movement.

26 September

Everyone Everywhere Praying & Fasting